Delivery FAQs - Claritas Books

Delivery FAQs

  • Can I track my parcel?

If you are waiting for your parcel, you can track the delivery using the tracking number and the relevant courier website provided by Claritas Books Ltd.

  • What is my consignment number?

The consignment number is the tracking number allocated to your parcel and this is typically a 14 digit tracking number. If you have not been given this, please contact us on giving your order number, name and address and we will reply within 1 business day.

  • When will my parcel arrive?

Your parcel will arrive between 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday. Your parcel will be shipped within 2 days of receiving payment, once received we will have it sent out to the address given to us and it can take up from 2-3 business days*

  • What will happen if I am not home?

If you are not at home, the driver of the specified courier will leave a card saying that they were not able to deliver your parcel. In this case, the courier will leave your parcel at the local depot and you would need to arrange your delivery with them using the information they have provided on the card given by the delivery driver. If the package has not been rearranged. Couriers usually require minimum of 2 working days’ notice to arrange a redelivery. Your local depot will usually keep the parcel for 18 days, if it has not be redelivered or arranged for pickup, they will return back to Claritas.

  • How can I change my delivery address?

This can be managed under “My Account” and from here you can change your delivery address.

  • Can you notify me when the driver is about to deliver?

Unfortunately we cannot guarantee this as we use various couriers to deliver good to customers but, couriers such as DPD, Parcelforce and UPS will be given your phone number and/or email address that you have provided us, to give you delivery updates on when your parcel will be delivered, although, this is not always the case.

  • Do you deliver to work addresses?

Yes, we can deliver to residential addresses or places of employment. If you want your parcel to be delivered to a place of employment, please ensure that someone will be there to take the parcel as the courier will deliver to the place and not the person.

  • WHo should I contact if I have a query?

For any other queries about delivery, please visit our Contact Us page and fill out the form provided. We will reply within 1 business day.

*This applied to UK addresses. For orders outside of the UK, it can take 3-10 days for it to be delivered.