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Sex, Soul and Islam

Sex, Soul and Islam

The long, winding road to the printers

Islamic Manners by 'Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah

Islamic Manners by 'Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah

Every aspect of a Muslim’s daily life outlined in a slim and accessible volume.

New book on Halal Branding - the Wilson way

New book on Halal Branding - the Wilson way

I’ve just finished writing my new book on Halal Branding. As you’d imagine, is full of facts, theories, top tips, and models - designed to help you understand what the halal is going on, and create great brands that stand out. This is a serious topic, and halal is growing far beyond meat and money - but you’ll find that my book aims to put the fun in halal, and stretch your creative thinking. This blog shares an extract from my book and photos from my recent trip to Russia.

Excerpt from The Savage

Excerpt from The Savage

Read "The Conquest" – a short story from Joel Hayward's newest collection The Savage

Dear Beloved Son by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

Dear Beloved Son by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

Twenty-four pieces of advice and how we can benefit from them Dear Beloved Son is an excellent compilation of extremely valuable pieces of advice based not only on theory but on the practical experience and insight of Imam al-Ghazali.

Reclaiming the Mosque by Jasser Auda

Reclaiming the Mosque by Jasser Auda

Auda’s new book is a compelling argument for the necessity of letting the female slaves of Allah back into the houses of Allah

Reading: The Superpower All Muslim Kids Need

Reading: The Superpower All Muslim Kids Need

Why is reading so important and how can we encourage our children to read?

Launching Claritas Books

Launching Claritas Books

How and why Awakening Publications became Claritas Books